congratulations! mum to be

As you are expecting a baby,  looking for right care may become your priority for you and your growing baby from now onwards.

One of the choices is to look for a certified nurse-midwife to provide you with care throughout pregnancy, birth and after the birth of your baby.

What to look for in a midwife

You may need a person you trust in every part of your pregnancy journey. Thus, it is important to find out what to look for when choosing a midwife.

Respectful approach

In spite of differences in individual’s background, culture and also experience,, midwife should constantly to serve supportively with care by providing relevant information about examinations and tests. This will definitely assist mums to plan for her maternity, birth as well as postnatal care.

Personal Caring

Through midwife scheduled antenatal care provide opportunity for questions and also meaningful conversation that will aid mum to overcome fears and worry. Besides build a trusting connection that assist mum to labor, it will certainly aid mum and partner with the transition to motherhood and also parenting.

Truthful communication

Making informed decisions concerning mum's maternity is important. Thus, midwife’s role is to advice, educate and suggest for self-care and care for the baby in relation to pregnancy, recommended tests, procedures or treatments, nutrition, breastfeeding and healthy lifestyle choices.

Professional care & Attention

Midwife that provides individualized profeesional care and regular evaluations for mum and baby throughout pregnancy, birth and also postnatal is crucial to ensure mum and infant are healthy.In addition, ideal referral to some others health and wellness practitioners through experience midwife will certainly improve the whole pregnancy.

Reliable Care throughout

Midwife offer care throughout from pregnancy test up to 4 to 6 weeks after the birth of baby. They can help mum to plan according to the needs during pregnancy, birth and weeks following. Home visitation after the birth will help mum adjust herself to become a mother. Not only helping mum to care for the baby but also help mum to be successful with breastfeeding under midwife's guidance.

Hi, To all mums.
Welcome to MidwifeAssist.

I am Su Wei, an independent registered nurse midwife, and lactation counselor in Kuching Sarawak. I am here to assist you during your pregnancy and postnatal care. I specialize in Breastfeeding, nursing care for pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postnatal concerns.

Who am i...

At the age of 10, I started dreaming of becoming a nurse. i love to imagine the scene of helping people in Hospital. I wish to use my warm hands to touch a patient who is helpless, with my smile can reduce a patient’s pain in her scar. My dream came true when I graduated in 2003 at Lam Wah Ee Hospital College, Penang.
I served  in Hospital after I graduated. I was selected for midwifery training in Kota Kinabalu after two year working. Since then, I started to nurse mom and baby in hospital from antenatal, in labour to postnatal. With my own interest, I have upgraded myself to become a lactation counselor and an infant massage instructor. Along my nursing life, I also deliver talks in public, school and confinement centres. I assist postnatal mothers in their breastfeeding journey and doing counselling sessions.